Monat: November 2021
Online Kochen – das Team Event
Gemeinschaft erleben, auch in Zeiten von Social Distancing! Denn wir wissen, dass unsere Kunden eines wirklich vermissen: miteinander etwas zu erleben.
Kochen kann genau das: es verbindet. Es öffnet die Sinne, die gerade Online oft zu kurz kommen, fördert die Teamfähigkeit, wenn das Homeoffice zu wenig Gelegenheit bietet, sich live zu treffen und lässt alle gleichzeitig an verschiedenen Orten nicht nur etwas erleben, sondern auch das gleiche erschmecken.
Wie das abläuft?
- Wir beraten Sie bei der Auswahl des Menüs
- Wir schlagen Ihnen unterschiedliche Köche vor – vom Sternekoch über Spezialist*innen für internationale Küche zum Meister der Hausmannskost
- senden Ihnen und Ihren Teams eine Einkaufsliste und Getränkepaket und Süßes zu
- zum vereinbarten Feierzeitpunkt wird gemeinsam via ZOOM, unter der Anleitung eines Profi Kochs gekocht.
Das heißt: alle essen und trinken das Gleiche, kochen gemeinsam und sind – COVID19 konform – nur in kleinen Gruppen oder in der Familie miteinander in direktem Kontakt.
Ob das auch Spaß macht? Unsere bisherigen Teilnehmerinnen sagen JA! RICHTIG SPASS MACHT ES!
Virtual Fireside Chats
Our Virtual Fireside Chats are oustanding events for getting in touch with like minded people. They provide exclusive knowledge exchange in small, informal settings.
Fireside Chats – Time for reflection and insight
Times are challenging, reflection has become a crucial attitude to succeed.
Fireside Chats – secluded and confidence spaces
This happens in secluded and emotionally safe spaces for gaining insights. The Fireside Chats are the perfect occasion to meet for geographically distant groups, in an international setting. A social event design with impact, for your board members or within executive teams.
Franklin T Roosevelt – the role model
As a role model we took the radio adresses Franklin T Roosevelt. He used to speak in his famous “fireside chats” to millions of Americans during times of turmoil in the 1930ties. We interpreted this idea in a modern way, transferred it into a virtual setting and thus combine it now with interactive participation.
Fireside Chats – transformed to nowadays digital options
That fits into needs of the digital world of nowadays! The event design sets the perfect space for a warm hearted and thus impressive online meet up. You will find:
– three experts who are being interviewed on a relevant topic. This feels informal yet delivers powerful insights
– a professionally facilitated subsequent discussion amongst all participants. This generates knowledge and reflection in a field of commons
– along with a wine, whisky or exclusive non alcoholic water or fruit juice tasting offered with honest, high stake hospitality creates the feeling of being in one shared space
Award winning hosting with luxury hospitality in an online setting
Organic Adventure – imagine a superb possibility to meet online with your colleagues, also those who are afar. A different way to connect in times of social distance.
Expertise exchange in a private yet informal setting
Our experts are renown experts. In our pool you can choose from leadership coaches, scientists or artists. Each one will open the evening with an inspirational note or a keynote and then the host will facilitate the exchange with you and the experts. You have access to their knowledge, can discuss with them and this in a exclusive, confidential environment.
Outstanding culinary experiences, delivered to your participants add up a real life experience to the digitally shared yet individual development experience
Our experience in international luxury hospitality, online event hosting and expertise is generating development in unusual settings.